Voice Actor | Teacher | Storyteller
For direct inquiries please email: justineleahva@gmail.com

I'm a Japanese American voice actor who loves telling stories!
With an MFA in Physical Theatre and years of performing on stage, I love finding the intersections between voice over and live performance. From video games to animation, e-learning to audiobooks, I'm passionate about breathing life into rich, complicated, and diverse characters!...once upon a time begins now...
Home Studio: Whisper Room MDL 4242 E
(double-walled with Auralex Studiofoam)
🎙️ Neumann TLM 103 w/pop filter
🎛️ Audient iD4 MKII
🎚️ Audacity w/Izotope RX 10
💻 Zoom | Discord | Skype | Meet | Source Connect Capable
🖥️ Dual monitors, wireless keyboard & mouse
Once upon a time... As a creator and dreamer, I've always loved this phrase. During my first theatrical directorial debut in San Diego, CA I was gifted a beautiful, bespoke character created by a Japanese calligrapher & artist that encapsulated the meaning of this phrase. Since then, it's been not just a symbol on paper but also my view on life - every opportunity is a new story to tell.
As a child, I loved watching cartoons with my Japanese grandmother. She introduced me to my favorite childhood animated film - My Neighbor Totoro. I suppose my love for voices and characters started there, and it transitioned into playtime with Barbies with unique voices and accents!At the ripe old age of 9, I did my first theatrical production as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz and I never looked back! I've been performing on stage ever since and went on to get my MFA in Physical Theatre performance. I'm fortunate to have had the opportunity to perform in the US, UK, Italy, Germany, and Czechia.Since diving into voice acting, I'm enjoying making connections all over the world. I'm also excited to connect more with my Japanese heritage by giving a voice to characters who authentically represent my experience. I have had the honor of voicing in a variety of projects and genres, in many different accents and age ranges.Outside of voice acting, I spent the last 9 years living in Italy where I taught theatre and English at a private language school. In my downtime, I enjoy practicing Italian with my cats who are surely bilingual by now, studying Japanese and becoming a better knitter and artist!
The Daughters of the Sun
(Phaedra, Pasiphaë, Ariadne)
Under the False Sky - [re]: Idealize
Bardic: Quest for Love
Breadwork Games
Cryptid Coffeehouse
(Sparrow Jane) |
Voice of the Universe
Top Floor Comics
Desolate Mist
Big Inner Beauty
Jon Morris Animations
Diego: Outback Dragon
Kiki Callaghan Studio
Chloe and Mona
Cartoon Fanatic
P is for Perfect
That Guy Studios
(Fortune Teller)
Bell Heart
Your First Mistake
Ellzina Rose
Once Upon a Wasteland
(Elena Sorokin)
OUAW: A Fallout Story
(The Sickle)
Tales Beyond the Veil
Gareth and The Lost Island
Venomous Duck Media
Padded Cell Audios

I look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you for your message!
I will reply at my earliest convenience.Ciao for now!